
原名:돈텔파파   又名:Raising My Dad

状态:高清   更新:2023-09-04 10:09:15

还是中学生的Chul-soo(郑雄仁 饰)和 Ae-lang(蔡敏瑞 饰)初尝禁果,就结下了果实。还是孩子的Chul-soo在不知情的情况下,于一年后在学校意外被收到了一个男婴,而这就是他的孩子。起初接受不了这个事实的Chul-soo想要找Ae-lang问个明白,可是她却已一走了之。无奈之下,Chul-soo开始了和儿子Cho-won(俞承豪 饰)的父子生活,从起初的艰辛到后来的血浓于水,父子二人于平淡中快乐的生活着。   九年过去,Chul-soo成为了一家夜总会的主持人,而Cho-won更可谓是在夜总会长大,俨然一个小大人。这时,从外国回来的Ae-lang在意外的情况下,和父子二人见面。一切似乎又回到九年前,戛然而止的曾经的恋人因为误会和时间被分开,而再度的重逢能否将这段感情挽回,而这得靠他们古灵精怪的儿子Cho-won来帮忙。Don't Tell Papa tells the story of a third-rate DJ who finds his relationship with his young son rapidly deteriorating. Director Lee Sang Hun offers you a hilariously touching tale about an intriguing love affair that will make you want to laugh and cry at the same time. After a one night stand high school boy Chul Soo and Ae Lang go their separate ways. However, approximately one year later, a basket with a baby is delivered to Chul's class room. As Ae has left Korea to commence studies in the US, Chul has no choice but to look for a part time job in order to raise the temporarily motherless child.
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