
原名:夜·明   又名:

状态:高清   更新:2023-08-21 11:08:10

1910年,孙文(赵文瑄 饰)为躲避清政府通缉,暂避马来西亚小城庇能。当地同盟会成员将其安置在富商徐博衡家中,徐氏多年资助孙文革命,但此时各界指责孙文私吞公款、广州起义失败,加之徐氏本人为英国的鸦片生意纠缠,对待孙文颇为冷淡。   孙文筹款不利,一度消沉,幸有相濡多年的伴侣陈粹芬(吴越 饰)抵马照顾起居,他本人亦从维护当地华人劳工利益的过程中获得了新的动力与信心,同时赢得陈家大小姐徐丹蓉(李心洁 饰)支持。徐丹蓉之未婚夫罗肇麟,本计划在庇能刺杀孙文,但相处日久,渐为孙文人格折服。英国治下的南洋小城,终究不是长久栖身之地,孙文筹得革命款项,再次踏上路途。Road To Dawn is a historical fiction movie based on the life of Dr Sun Yat Sen, first provisional president of modern China in 1911, as a young revolutionary as an exile in Penang. It features Dr Sun's second wife, Chen Cuifen as his revolutionary companion during his brief stay here. Dr Sun is a guest of a Penang Chinese businessman, who helps him raise funds for the Huanghuagang Uprising (Second Guanzhou Uprising). He becomes mentor to the daughter of this businessman. The young woman's fiancee, who had set out to assassinate Dr Sun also becomes convinced to support the revolution.
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