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状态:21播放   更新:2023-06-05 05:06:09

穿山甲因為鱗片的非法野生動物貿易而瀕臨絕種,但大多數人根本不知道也沒見過牠們的樣貌。在兩名導演的鏡頭下一起來看看4種非洲穿山甲,記錄受到這些受到盜獵影響、存亡岌岌可危的害羞盔甲動物,讓我們一起見證牠們所遇到的生命困境。Eye of the Pangolin is the story of two men on a mission to get all four species of African pangolin on camera for the very first time. As they travel the continent to learn more about those caring for and studying pangolins they are captivated by these strange, secretive creatures and document the race to save them from being poached to extinction. The film was released Endangered Species Day in May 2019 and our goal is to make it the most watched wildlife documentary ever. Therefore we've made it freely available as an open source documentary, accessible for viewing by millions of people around the world via YouTube, through educational establishments and at screenings supported by international conservation organisations everywhere.
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