
原名:太古神王   又名:God Of Lost Fantasy / Swire God

状态:第52集   更新:2024-01-23 07:01:44

君望域古羿国,秦家养子秦问天自幼羸弱,秦府被迫将其送入白府联姻,自小寄人篱下,后白家为攀附皇城叶家悔婚,更欲取秦问天性命,他逃出生天,恰逢皇室巨变,羿王长期重症昏迷,摄政王羿横欲夺权篡位,将忠烈之后秦家被冠以莫须有罪名,满门抄斩,残余秦氏子弟逃于西北之上,秦父等被收押至皇城监牢,而秦问天躲过一劫,并立誓要救出父亲妖拔除奸佞,重整羿国。期间,秦问天结识挚友凡乐、若欢等人,加入武学名派九华门,却意外得知落难太子羿无为正藏于九华门中,秦问天与莫家长孙女莫倾城一同守护羿无为,他睿智机敏,周旋于羿天骄的威逼利诱和爷爷秦昊的腹黑心机之间,跨过诡谲变幻的风云迷雾,每每总能化险为夷,最终辅佐明君羿无为登上皇位,此后秦问天淡泊名利心如止水,与莫倾城一同留在九华门守护羿国。Qin Wen Tian, is the adopted son of the Qin family and was born a weakling. His parents force him to travel to the Bai Manor to honour a marriage agreement between the two families, but the Bai family finds a better partner from the Ye family and goes back on their promise and tries to kill Qin Wen Tian who manages to escape vowing to take revenge. He makes it to Jiuhua Sect and befriends his master's daughter Mo Qingcheng, and the crown prince Yi Wuwei who is currently in hiding. Qin Wen Tian helps the crown ascend to the throne.
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